Open Source Bootcamp Workshops
- 1:00pm - Keynote "Lessons from Mozilla" by Pascal Finette and Todd Simpson
- 2:00pm - 1st Workshop Session
- 3:30pm - 2nd Workshop Session
- 5:00pm - Dinner
- 5:45pm - 3rd Workshop Session
- 7:15pm - Wrap up
- 7:30pm - End of Bootcamp
- 7:30pm onwards - Informal Hacking Session
Be sure to let us know if you have any questions - we’ll have a Facebook page up once you are assigned to a workshop so you can ask any questions you have about preparing your workspace or the workshops in general.
Scaling a Web Application, Jeff Balogh
We’ll take a naïvely built web app and turn it into something that can handle millions of users. Initial code will be provided and we’ll evolve the design into something that scales using Amazon’s EC2 for deployment and load testing. We’ll be working on a webapp with Python and Django. Experience helps but isn’t necessary. The code is simple.
- You'll need git if you want to check out the code locally.
- Cloud servers with everything loaded up will be provided, so you should be comfortable working the command line if you want to write code.
- Writing code is optional.
Frontend Development Foundations, Matthew Claypotch
Every great web site needs a public face. Structuring your pages correctly will win you points in accessibility and maintainability, and win you points with search engines, In this session, we’ll turn your resume from a PDF to a Pretty Dang Fine webpage. Learn to appreciate beautiful (and semantic!) HTML, classy CSS, and a splash of JavaScript.
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Web Security, Hands on Learning, Michael Coates
The web is a dangerous place with talented criminals looking to destroy the apps that you spent so much time and effort creating. This workshop will be a hands on learning experience covering current threats to web applications. We’ll use a vulnerable test application and perform hands on testing to understand these attacks and how to properly defend against them in our applications.
Note: Students can listen and follow along to Michael’s presentation or they can participate in hands-on learning on their own workstations while Michael works through some exercises. Issues are discussed at both a high level to cover overall impacts and also a detailed technical level for those interested.
Requirements for hands-on exercises:
- Windows or Mac OS
- Download VMware player (free for Windows/Linux, vmfusion is available for mac but not free)
- Download vulnerable web demo (download ahead of time)
- More details here:
Hacking the Firefox UI, Shawn Wilsher & Frank Yan
The Firefox team will be providing a set of bugs, and will help the students implement them. Come contribute to the release of Firefox 6.0!
Skills needed (this is an or list, not an and):
- Basic javascript, or
- CSS/HTML, or
- C++
Managing Software at Internet Scale, Christian Legnitto
Talk about releases, project management, software updates, managing open source releases (Mozilla/Firefox) vs corporate releases (Apple/Mac OS X), etc. Targeted at junior-level engineers with people skills looking for something different for a potential career than coding all day.
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Lessons learned from starting a top 2% open source project, Alex Limi
Starting your own open source project comes with its own set of challenges and (at times) counter-intuitive decisions to be made. Alex Limi will talk about what to watch out for if you’re starting your own open source project, how to build a successful community, and even how to make money off your open source project.
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Introduction to MongoDB, Roger Bodamer
10gen, the company behind MongoDB,will run you through everything you need to know to start using MongoDB as the backend database for your next project. Main topics include: intro to MongoDB (including downloading and installing), Document Schema Design, Deployment and persistence models and finally deployment. We’ll leave time for Q&A.
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Facebook Q&A Session, Facebook Open Source Team
Facebook will be providing a casual Q&A session about open source at Facebook. Learn more about how open source works at Facebook.
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